Professor at the University of Zaragoza, and Doctor in Art History from the same University. Specialist in history of cinema and other audiovisual media, collaborator as film and music critic and commentator in the media (currently on the Aragón Radio program Aquí la radio). Member of the board of the Aragonese Film Academy, and promoter, director, and coordinator of cinematographic exhibitions as Cine Arte Fuendetodos and the Muestra Cinematógrafica de Moyuela. His lines of research and work include design and film posters – both as a film promotion tool and for exhibitions and festivals (with a special dedication in recent years to the Huesca International Film Festival and the Aragonese film exhibitions)-, and the relationship between cinema and the world of comics and jazz. He has recently published the books Jazz de Película, El Jazz y el cine español, and Papeles de cine: Los carteles del Festival de Cine de Huesca, 1973-2016.