ONCE and the festival join together to offer ‘Another way to watch cinema’
Recursos humanos will be one of two short films screened during this activity
On Wednesday the ‘Prefestival’ will be committed to foster other senses rather than sight in ‘Another way to watch cinema’, an activity produced in collaboration with ONCE. Screenings for a blindfolded audience under the supervision of ONCE’s technicians so as to stimulate the public’s creativity –blind and sighted people-. Spectators will enjoy two short films and, once agreed, will watch one of them, this time without blindfolds so as to contrast both experiences. The event will take place on Wednesday at 20h00 at Diputación Provincial de Huesca, free admission.
Short films screened:
Recursos Humanos. Joan Álvarez Lladós. Spain. 2004. Colour. 16′. Comedy.
El balancín de Iván. Dario Stegmayer. Spain. 2003. Colour. 20′. Drama.