Available online from June 11 to 19
Zinentiendo is an international exhibition of LGTBQI (lesbian, gay, transsexual, bisexual, queer and intersexual) cinema. Organized by the Towanda Collective, dedicated for years to the defense of sexual affective diversity, the main objective of the exhibition is to make this reality visible through the universal language of cinema.
Cinema is a perfect communication channel to show different forms of resistance and fight against LGTB-phobia, patriarchy, machismo and hetero-centrism; and helps defend movements such as transfeminism and the diversity of affects, desires and sexualities.
“SPACE IS QUITE A LOT OF THINGS”, Anniina Joensalo. Sweden. 11´
“CHERUPKI (EGGSHELLSS)”, Slava Doytcheva. Bulgaria. 15´
“ANTES DE LA ERUPCIÓN”, Roberto Pérez Toledo. Spain. 10´
Space Is Quite a Lot of Things

Space Is Quite a Lot of Things
Sweden, Finland. 2021. 11 ‘. Documentary
Direction, script: Anniina Joensalo. Production: HDK-Valand. Photo: Anniina Joensalo. Edition: Anniina Joensalo. Colour: Pyry Pelkonen. Sound: Tatu Viitanen. Music: Tatu Viitanen.
The curiosity about a world without gender sets a journey through a world of jellyfish and disco pimp, creating the environment for four trans to share how they relate (or not) to their own gender, imagine visions of their own queer utopia, and reveal whether gender can be felt down to the toes.
Anniina Joensalo
She lives in Helsinki. In 2021, she graduated from HDK-Valand. She is dedicated to film directing and writing. She uses cinema as a medium to describe utopias for queer and trans people. Her goal is to find ethical ways to represent queer bodies, with a special focus on trans narratives, proposing alternative ways of being and existing in this world, outside of binary language, bodies and identities.

Bulgaria. 2020. 15’. Fiction
Direction: Slava Doytcheva. Photo: Kiril Prodanov. Music: Mira Iskarova. Art: Elena Stumbova. Sound: Valeria Popova. Costumes: Elena Stoyanova. Cast: Stela Stoynova, Ivan Doytchev.
On the eve of the Holy Saturday, Nevena and her girlfriend Maria, are coming home, armed with good humour and a whole carton of eggs to be painted. A phone conversation upsets all plans. Maria has to attend a family gathering and Nevena is clearly not invited.
Slava Doytcheva
(B.1988, Sofia) began her journey in cinema as a teenage actor with award-winning parts in Bulgarian features. In 2013, she did a MA in Filmmaking at the London Film School. Her last fiction shorts, Eggshells, Whole, and Heart of Lead received 15 awards and screened at over 60 international festivals. She’s a winner of the European Short Pitch and an alumna of the Berlinale Short Film Station, Locarno Filmmakers’ Academy, and Sarajevo Talents among others.
Antes de la erupción

Antes de la erupción
Before the eruption
Spain. 2020. 10’. Fiction
Script and direction: Roberto Pérez Toledo. Production: Rafael Álvarez. Photo: Juanmi Márquez. Cast: Jorge Alcocer, Pablo Capuz, Edgar Córcoles, Javier Orán, Javier Morgade.
Although a volcanic eruption can occur without any prior signal, volcanoes will most likely send some type of warning before the eruption begins. We barely saw it coming.
Roberto Pérez Toledo
Roberto Pérez Toledo was born in Lanzarote, Spain. He is a writer and director, known for the films Seis Puntos Sobre Emma (2012), Los Amigos Raros (2014) and Como La Espuma (2017). He has also written and directed many short films, such as The Screamers, awarded at festivals around the world. Roberto Pérez Toledo is a LGTBI and disabled collective activist and is followed by hundreds of thousands of followers on social media.