Available from June 10 to 18
Session closed to residences and centers for the elderly and people with disabilities. The session will consist of the short films:
“EN EL CIELO” (Manuel Gomar. España. 13’)
“EL PRIMER Y ÚLTIMO FOTOGRAMA” (Alberto Zúñiga. México. 3’)
“YVM” (Euloxio Fernández. España. 10’)
“OS GUÍAS TURÍSTICOS” (Javier Seoane García. España. 3’)
“LALITO 10” (Jordan Matthew Horowitz. España-USA. 17’)
Centro de Rehabilitación Psicosocial Santo Cristo de los Milagros
Residencia Sagrada Familia – Centro de Día
Residencia Sagrada Familia – Residencia
Hogar de mayores del IASS
Residencia Ciudad de Huesca
Hermanos de la Cruz Blanca
Residencia Saturnino López Novoa
Residencia Misioneras Nuestra Señora del Pilar
Residencia Rey Ardid
Jesús Bosque
With a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a diploma in Social Work, he has always had a special interest in reflecting the human dimension of reality in his work.
With thirty-five years of experience in the audiovisual sector, he has practically gone through all the professional specialties: production, script, camera, directing… Most of the time in the documentary genre, especially about indigenous cultures, and mountain adventure cinema; filming in many countries and working with many indigenous organizations and groups in Latin America.
With some fifty productions, he has received twenty awards at international festivals and many awards at Spanish festivals. He has been director of the Huesca Film Festival, is president of the Huesca Association of Filmmakers and program director of the Pyrenees Mountain Film Festival.
En el cielo

España. 2021. 13’. Ficción
Dirección: Manuel Gomar. Guion: Manuel Gomar. Producción: Claqueta Blanca SL. Producción ejecutiva: Gerardo de las Morenas. Edición: Alfonso Díaz. Arte: Roque Vázquez. Fotografía: Sheila Rodríguez. Música original: Antonio González Écija. Sonido: Jesús “Suly” Caballero. Vestuario: Tejidos Rosi. Reparto: Mercedes León, Laura Caparrós, Isa Requena, José Requena
Julia wasn’t a happy woman. She made an important decision to change her life.
Manuel Martínez Gómez (Manuel Gomar)
Huelma, Jaén, 1962. In 1986 he graduated in English Philology at the University of Granada. In Huelva, as a professor at La Orden Institute, he created the group Arteatrozos in 1990, for which he wrote and directed, among others, Soledad y la Siren del Amor, La quinta Miseria and Con soltura. All three premiered at the Gran Teatro de Huelva. For some years he began to train in audiovisual issues related to cinema. He has written and directed the following short films: Espera y verás (2013), Miedo me da (2014), La bruma (2014), Fritas (2015), Inexistentes (2016), Pili Tenía Razón (2017), El recado (2019), La partida (2019) y En el cielo (2022)
El primer y último fotograma

The first and the last frame
México. 2021. 3’. Documental
Dirección: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Guion: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Producción: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Producción ejecutiva: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Edición: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Arte: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Fotografía: Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Música original: Royalty free music stock. Sonido: Andrés Venegas Rangel, Naomi Orozco Zúñiga, Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez. Reparto: José Luis Zúñiga Sánchez, Ubertina Rodríguez Pérez, Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez
This documentary short film talks about the value of the image and its preservation as a historical, personal and collective document. My father documented the history of our family and tried to photograph everything until he died from covid-19 in February 2021. His motto was: “we are what our memory allows us to remember”. This work is a small tribute to his life, although this could be the story of any person in the world.
Alberto Zúñiga Rodríguez
Morelia, Mexico, 1980. Master’s degree in Audiovisual Production from the Complutense University of Madrid. Director, producer, editor and post-producer with more than 20 years of experience. In the year 2000 he founded the production company Sinestesia Ads Media & Films that has made film, television and video selected in festivals and film shows around the world. For 17 years he has also been a university professor. For his cinematographic work he has received multiple international awards and has participated as a jury in more than 10 film shows and festivals.

España. 2021. 11’. Ficción
Dirección: Goody Speak. Guion: E. Fernández. Producción: E. Fernández. Producción ejecutiva: E. Fernández. Edición: Edu Segovia. Fotografía: Juan Francisco Zapata. Música original: Javier Piñeira. Reparto: Milagros Morón, Encarna Espejo, Pepe Olmedo
A short about the peculiar world of our elders, in which tenderness is exchanged for functionality.
Euloxio Fernández
Playwright, screenwriter and poet. His works include Adults (2011), The Terrible Crimes of Alicia Rocheford (2009), Que Rico! (2008), Emilia’s funeral (2008), Insomne Peluche (2002), Está nevando en la Autovía (2001) and El increíble monólogo de Carlos Yáñez o la soledad del espermatozoide among many others. Co-writer of the Neurovisión cabaret with Pilar Vicente and Clara Cosials.
Os guías turísticos

Tour guides
España. 2021. 3’. Ficción
Dirección: Javier Seoane. Guion: Ángela Triana. Producción: Dinamo producións y Javi Sega producciones. Producción ejecutiva: Eli Monteagudo. Edición: Javier Seoane. Arte: Eli Monteagudo. Fotografía: Javier Seoane. Sonido: Javier Seoane. Vestuario: Eli Monteagudo. Reparto: Pedro Brandariz, Silvia Lorenzo, María Alkayali, Javier Seoane, Franqui Illanes
What would you do with those tour guides who don’t stop talking? I… would kill.
Javier Seoane (Javi SeGa)
A Coruña, 1991. He started in audiovisuals at the age of 13 with the making of small short films for different festivals, in addition to recording all kinds of events, camps, musical performances and school graduations. In 2012 he was a video teacher at the Liceo la Paz school in A Coruña. Shortly after, he started directing, scriptwritting and editing various web series such as Antolepsia, selected in several editions of the Carballo Interplay digital content festival and nominated for the Mestre Mateo three times, and Mataría, winner of the audience award for the best web series in Galician at the Carballo Interplay 2021 festival and the Mestre Mateo award for the best web series in 2022.

Estados Unidos. 2022. 17′. Documental
Dirección: Jordan Matthew Horowitz. Guion: Jordan Matthew Horowitz. Producción: Andrew Carlberg, Jordan Matthew Horowitz. Música: David Majzlin. Fotografía: Jordan Matthew Horowitz
When COVID-19 forced his school to close and remote learning proved impossible, a teacher in Guatemala built a classroom on wheels to bring education directly to his students.
Jordan Horowitz
Jordan Horowitz is an award-winning writer, director and producer. His film Painless was released theatrically in 2018 after a successful festival run and premiered on Showtime Networks, Virgin Atlantic and Emiratis airlines in 2019. His previous documentary Angel of Nanjing (2015) was a festival darling, winning 13 awards at prestigious festivals around the world. It became an Internet sensation when NowThis News posted a Facebook story about it that was viewed over 22 million times. Jordan also directs and produces commercials, music videos and a variety of TV content. His short film work has also won numerous awards and is referenced in the book “Making It Big in Shorts: The Ultimate Filmmaker’s Guide to Short Films”, by Kim Adelman.