XI Cinema Short Story Competition
[marker bgcolor=”#3B3B3B”]June 16th to 21st 2014[/marker]
Huesca International Film Festival announces ‘XI Cinema Short Story Literary Prize’, sponsored by Fundación Anselmo Pié Sopena in cooperation with Aveletra Writers Asociation and Huesca Bookstore Association
1. Any author may submit regardless of nationality or age.
2. Literary work has to be original, unpublished and written in Spanish. Only one entry per autor will be allowed.
3. Entries must be submitted by email (relatos@huesca-filmfestival.com) with an attached file containing the following data: name, mail address and telephone number (do not mark the short story document with the author’s name).
4. CINEMA is the subject matter, its world, setting, characters, creatives, social conditions…
5. Each work will not exceed 31 lines on a DIN A4 format sheet, one typewritten double-spaced page.
6. Submission deadline is 20th April.
7. There is a single 800 € cash prize. The awarded short story will be published in the Festival General Catalogue and in as many analogue and digital media as deemed adequate.
8. The Jury shall be appointed by Aveletra Association and the prize will be announced and awarded at Huesca Book Fair 2014.
By entering, the entrants to this contest agree to comply these regulations.
Huesca, March 20th, 2014.